



Hi Guys This might be a little bit picky, but in the iPad SplitViewController setup, there are 2 views. Each of the views has a very small black corner rounding. (This is probably the same with iPhone apps too).

This rounding is visible in the image below. What I would like to do is remove the black rounding, so the UI doesnt get these two little bumps along the bottom. Has anyone done this, or know how to? -Its surely possible.

Hopefully some one has seen this before.


Image Link Mirror

alt text


You'll probably have to override drawRect in the view and draw your it yourself without the rounding.

+1  A: 

Add the following to your app delegate:

- (void) fixRoundedSplitViewCorner
    [self explode:[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] level:0];

- (void) explode:(id)aView level:(int)level
 if ([aView isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]]) {
  UIImageView* roundedCornerImage = (UIImageView*)aView;
  roundedCornerImage.hidden = YES;
 if (level < 2) {
  for (UIView *subview in [aView subviews]) {
   [self explode:subview level:(level + 1)];

In your DetailViewController of the UISplitViewController add:

- (void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation
 [yourAppDelegate performSelector:@selector(fixRoundedSplitViewCorner) withObject:NULL afterDelay:0];
Yeah, that looks to be the go! Fantastic Thanks. The code only executes when I press a tablecell in the MasterViewController, or i guess until DetailViewController is refreshed. I have tried calling fixRoundedSplitViewCorner from every viewDidLoad but I cant get it to work on first load. Can you give the last piece of the puzzle to?The above code is fantastic so far!
You only need to call fixRoundedSplitViewCorner when the device gets rotated. Add the didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation as posted above and it will work on application launch too.