



I'm looking for cross-platform scripting (language) for windows, Linux, MacOS X. I'm tired of .bat / bash .

I would like to do things like for example ,,lock workstation'' at automatic login (I had this in X-Window but the solution was pretty ugly; now, I would like that on MS Windows and not that ugly :-) ).
Generally: automate tasks.

Or would I be better off with Windows Scripting Host?
PowerShell also comes to mind, but that's seems to Windows-only for my taste. Can languages like Python, Ruby, (Java?) interact (elegantly? sensibly?) with WSH?

Also things like DBUS, DCOM, etc come to mind as part of the picture.

Currently I use a mixture of Java, .bat, bash, Ruby, Scala; some VBA for Excel. Which sometimes gets pretty ugly.

I would like a cross-platform general solution with/using ,,native'' parts close to OS-specifics. Like e.g. Ruby driving some Windows-specific stuff (just a guess).
What do You use?


I would use C# with Mono.

That strikes me as an odd choice for scripting. In bash, e.g., you show the contents of a file with `cat file.txt`; in groovy with `println new File("file.txt").text`: how much code (+ compilation) would you have to do with C#? C# may be a nice general purpose OO language, but one thing it does not do well is support scripting.
Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic
+2  A: 

I think you're juggling on the edge of contradictory: you would like platform-independent (commendable) but also "close to OS specifics".

If, however, you put a bit more emphasis on platform independence, I've been entertaining the idea of using groovy (a more java-friendly relative of ruby) for general purpose scripting. When you need it, you get OS-specific behaviour by invoking OS shell commands.

My motivation is a bit different: I find groovy code to be more robust than that of bash, although I too will need a good multi-platform scripting tool for a project I'm developing.

Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic
Thanks. About the alleged ,,contradictory-ness'' : Generally cross-platform but able to integrate (call into) os-specifics, well. This not that rare.
I got the feeling you're leaning to something better than ruby + shell commands combination you mentioned: that's what I meant. I just said that it's not likely you'll find something better than that.
Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic
Groovy is good, but the slow startup of the jvm makes java a non-starter for short scripts IMO.
Bryan Oakley
Agreed. If it's intended to be invoked multiple times from something else, it's next to useless. It's just a matter of the use cases one is interested in.
Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic
+2  A: 

Like e.g. Ruby driving some Windows-specific stuff

It certainly can and on the Ruby on Windows blog you can find lots of examples also there's a chapter in the Pickaxe book and in the humble one.

Jonas Elfström
+2  A: 

You could write your scripts in Tcl.

  • the syntax is simple and closer to what you'd expect from a script;

  • it is cross-platform, and will run on all major platforms;

  • you can easily create simple GUIs for your scripts in Tk, which will also work everywhere and use native controls;

  • for the Windows-specific functions, you can use Twapi (Win32 API bindings).

  • you can install a Tclkit, which is a single file that is the whole Tcl distribution. There's no lengthy install process or hidden files or mysterious directories;

    • you can easily put a linux, windows and mac runtime on a single flash drive so you always have an interpreter handy even if there's not one installed locally.
Tiberiu Ana
Tcl also wins because you can install a Tclkit, which is a single file that is the whole Tcl distribution. There's no lengthy install process or hidden files or mysterious directories. Plus, you can easily put a linux, windows and mac runtime on a single flash drive so you always have an interpreter handy even if there's not one installed locally. And, of course, for GUI programming you get native widgets.
Bryan Oakley
+2  A: 

Perl and Python are both available on almost every platform

+1  A: 

I'm a huge fan of Lua:

  • Syntax is vaguely Pascal-like and works well in scripts.

  • Superb power-to-weight ratio. Superb engineering. Very good design.

  • Extremely portable to any platform with an ANSI C compiler.

  • GUI support through wxLua and other bindings

  • Some support for hiding OS differences in common tasks, e.g., the Lua File System add-on

  • The core system and libraries are simple enough that you can understand all of what you're using, but still have excellent leverage compared to bash/bat. Expressive power is comparable to Python or Ruby.

  • You're not overwhelmed with libraries and frameworks, which can be a plus or a minus.

  • There is an excellent book: Roberto Ierusalimschy's Programming in Lua; you can get the previous edition free online.

  • Performance beats tcl, perl, python, ruby

  • For even faster performance on x86 hardware, there is LuaJIT.

  • Finally, and this is the ace in the hole: if you run into any kind of platform-specific problem, it is easy to write platform-specific C code and load it into a Lua script dynamically. Lua was designed with this task in mind and does it extremely well. You can also easily dip into C for performance (e.g., compute MD5 checksum).

Over the last 3 to 5 years, I have been gradually migrating scripts from bash/ksh/awk/sed/grep/perl into Lua. I have been very happy with the results.

Norman Ramsey