




I am trying to accomplish the following:

I wrote a Flex application that is trying to connect to a WCF service hosted on the clients computer.

I also wrote a windows forms application for the client to run. This application exposes a self-hosted WCF service that the Flex application is supposed to connect to.

This works fine if I'm loading the Flex application from my local IIS. The problem starts when the Flex application is hosted on a different domain. When this occurs, the flash player requires a crossdomain.xml policy file on the clients computer. I also managed to expose the crossdomain.xml on the clients computer using another WCF self-hosted service and WebHttpBinding on the clients computer. This also works fine.

My problem is that the flash player requires that the crossdomain.xml or a meta policy file will be in the root directory of the domain. If I used my WCF service to expose something on the root directory of the clients computer I will run over any existing web server capabilities the client has on the computer (such as IIS).

I know it's a bit complicated scenario, but any help would be appreciated. Thanks!