For numbers the size you're talking about here, the fastest factoring method is (probably) to use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to generate primes up to approximately the square root of the number, then use trial division by those to find which one(s) are divisors.
Quite a few factoring methods have been invented for larger numbers. You might want to Google for "Fermat's factoring method", "Pollard Rho", "Brent's method", "Lenstra elliptical curve", "multiple polynomial quadratic sieve", and "general number field sieve". I've listed those in (roughly) ascending order of complexity and ability to factor larger numbers. It's open to question whether I should mention the general number field sieve or not though -- while it's the most efficient method currently known for factoring extremely large numbers, it's only useful on really big machines -- below about 110 digits or so, the MPQS is faster, but to factor the large numbers where the GNFS is faster, you need a lot more memory than a typical desktop or server can support (think of a terabyte of RAM as a minimum starting point, but probably more than that).