




Hi everyone

I have compiled an sqlite database that I would like to make public. I want to provide a very simple webpage that has a few form elements which are used to query the database.

Does anybody know of a free hosting solution that would provide me with free web and database functionality? I am familiar with Google App Engine and that would work but I don't want to spend time using their custom storage scheme. I'm looking for something free that I can put together very quickly. Thanks for any suggestions.

edit: I am ok with exporting / importing from sqlite into whatever RDBMS the free service is offering.

+1  A: 

GoDaddy offers free hosting with a domain name purchase. Last time I checked it out, they ran ads at the top of the pages. That was years ago however and I now believe that it's the most basic package (with no ads).

Frank V
+1  A: 

Here is a nice list of free web hosting services with MS SQL Support: Freeasp hosting

You do realize that sqlite != mssql, do you?
thanks for the suggestion aceman. I am ok with exporting / importing from sqlite into whatever RDBMS the free service is offering.
Oh, my bad, sorry for that. Yes, I realize that this is not the same thing. I suppose I didn't read good enough. I better go to bet now, it's 4:20 here :)
+1  A: 

If you're looking for a Ruby (Rails, Sinatra, etc.) host, Heroku is pretty nice.

+1  A: 

heroku.com can host for you free Ruby on Rails sites. As the database is agnostic, it doesn't really matter what they are using. I've no idea what db is hosted there, however I did my dev on sqllite.

I played with this all last week - www.programgood.net I wouldn't recommend this though for learning very quickly :-)

I did a simple pub tricks site on http://pubtricks.heroku.com/ The framework makes all the scaffolding code, and essentially all I did was devine what columns I wanted in the database, then Ruby on Rails generated all the scaffolding code.

You say you are familiar with Google App Engine... you could try google forms for a very easy way.. I just tried a simple form here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHg5NXppek5hOXNxS0pGVWpxbEN0SGc6MQ

Maybe give a bit more detail on what you already know.


+1  A: 

Thanks for all of the suggestions everyone (+1). I ended up finding http://www.000webhost.com/

They have a free hosting plan that offers a mysql db and php functionality. PHP isn't my number one choice but it served my purpose here. Thanks.

That's actually pretty good. Didn't know about them, though I must say that I'm suspicious of their offer...
Frank V
yeah i thought it sounded sketch too. However I've uploaded my project and its been running fine for a week: http://victoriabustimes.comlu.com/ I would not consider putting anything sensitive or critical up there, but this is mostly for fun.