



After upgrading to the above configuration I notice that
1) CTRL-Click on a type highlights the type but doesn't take me to the declaration,
2) Clicking on some closure (ie, like a method) toggles whether it's expanded or collapsed.

Since these are both mouse related tasks I figure there is some setting in either VS or R# that I need to change, but I sure can't figure out what it is.

Anybody know?


PS - there is an option in R# to ctrl-click to the type but I have that checked and it still does not work.

+2  A: 

It looks like there's an open bug about this on their bug tracker.

Maybe if you vote it up, or complain to support, they might fix it faster.

Agreed - cheers

This is in regards to the CTRL click behavior:

At first I thought it wasn't working either, but then I realized that it just works differently (not as good IMO):

If you quickly go CTRL-Click, nothing happens. But if you hold down CTRL, until a blue underline appears, and THEN click, it goes to the definition (for me anyway).

Alex Czarto
No, this is just not acceptable and I'm shocked jet brains hasn't been able to fix this by now! You could write the code for the definition and grab a sandwich by the time R# takes you there!
Agreed. Not only does the "underline" take a while to show up, but going to the definition takes way longer than in 4.5
Alex Czarto

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