




I am new to Git and trying to use it for a local grails project. The steps I followed. 1. create the grails project
2. go to the project directory and git init
3. Add all the files in the project in staging area and commit.
4. The git status at the repo gives the below message

BXX@BXX-PC /c/Work/Grails/projects/yyy/tables (master)
$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

5. Trying to keep it as the master branch, make the changes by cloning the repo, and later push the changes back. For that
6. In my IDE, checkout the project (IntelliJ).This actually clone the project to another dir.
7. Make the changes and commit the project
8. Push the local changes to master.

15:41:56.249: git push -v origin master
Pushing to c:/Work/Grails/projects/xxx/tables
remote: error: refusing to update checked out branch: refs/heads/master        
remote: error: By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository        
remote: error: is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent        
remote: error: with what you pushed, and will require 'git reset --hard' to match        
remote: error: the work tree to HEAD. 

The cloned repo status is

$ git status
# On branch master
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

Please help me with understanding this. Is there a better workflow to follow. I may be able to initialize the repo through Intellij, and try to work on the main branch. Still not sure what is wrong above.

thank you.

+7  A: 

The problem is that you're trying to push to a non-bare repo. A non-bare repo is one which has an associated working tree (that is, the files are actually checked out to disk). By default, Git won't let you push to a non-bare repo; pushing to a non-bare repo only updates Git's internal data structures, and does not alter the working tree (the files on disk), which means that if you then go back to the repo you pushed to and start working on the files, you'll be working on older copies of the files. Naturally this will cause problems when you try to commit your changes.

The best way to do this is to push to a bare repository, which is one created by passing the --bare flag to Git when creating the repo:

$ mkdir new_repo
$ cd new_repo
$ git --bare init

Of course, the bare repo won't have any files checked out, so you can't actually work it in (you'll have to clone it first).

If you're just using a Git repo for local development (and not sharing or serving the Git repo), you don't have to have a remote repo to push to; you can work on a single copy of a local, non-bare repo.

thank you so much for your detailed reply.. I infact read some of your answers on similar issue on SO. I may follow your advise to use one local repo, and then clone whenever necessary. Still, is it a possibility that I checkin (commit) the first (master) repo, then try to push the cloned one. I am curious how someone can clone my repo and push it to the master in the later stage. I greatly appreciate your comment so I don't regret in the long term.. thanks again
+5  A: 

First of all, you do not need to clone your local repository. You can use branches to divide development in the same repository.

Git is a Distributed VCS, and if you have experience with Subversion or CVS before it, you need to change your mind.

Git is a very agile and you can use different workflows with it. Cloning repositories is more needed for a team work, not for local development (IMHO).

Branches is a good alternative for you.

See. Let's set master branch of your repository for a production-ready code. Let's create another branch for development:

$ git checkout -b development master

Now you are working on the development branch.

You could use different branches for each feature you want to develop. It's very easy and helpful.

Let's imagine you want to implement some new feature, you need to create a new branch:

$ git checkout -b newfeature development

Now you can work with your code, add files, commit and so on.

Next you need to merge your new developed feature to the development branch:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "My last changes for the new feature"
$ git checkout development
$ git merge newfeature

Now your new code from the newfeature branch merged into the development branch.

For sometime in the future when you decide that your code in the development branch get some milestone, you could merge all the changes from development to master branch.

It's a very basic workflow, it can be helpful for the many branches.

My advise for you now: read more about git, branching, stashing (very-very-very helpful for quick fixes). And after some time you will get a great effort from using git.

Good luck.

Sergey Kuznetsov
thank you so much for your step-by-step answer.. you are absolutely right, I still think traditional SCM model. I only used ClearCase and Microsoft SourceSafe before... so, u imagine :-) ... your answer help me to put together many concept i read about git.. thanks a lot...
+5  A: 

This is the clearest, most comprehensive description of a successful git workflow. It covers basically what Sergey suggests, with the addition of some very hepful graphics.

A successful Git branching model

The author also suggests when you merge to include the --no-ff tag to keep record of the fact that you had a feature branch in history.

Jason Watts
thanks Jason ..