I need to have two way communication between threads in Tcl and all I can get is one way with parameters passing in as my only master->helper communication channel. Here is what I have:
proc ExecProgram { command } {
if { [catch {open "| $command" RDWR} fd ] } {
# Failed, return error indication
error "$fd"
To call the tclsh83, for example ExecProgram "tclsh83 testCases.tcl TestCase_01"
Within the testCases.tcl file I can use that passed in information. For example:
set myTestCase [lindex $argv 0]
Within testCases.tcl I can puts out to the pipe:
puts "$myTestCase"
flush stdout
And receive that puts within the master thread by using the process ID:
gets $app line
...within a loop.
Which is not very good. And not two-way.
Anyone know of an easy 2-way communication method for tcl in Windows between 2 threads?