I'm fairly new to TCL, and am providing QA on some code developed by others (no really!). There are lots and lots of global variables in this particular program, and I sometimes see upvar used, often in conjunction with global. I understand that upvar emulates pass-by-reference, but what would be the practical difference be between the two following procs?
set myBigFatGloblVariable "hello"
proc myFirstProc { var1 var2 } {
upvar 1 $var1 local
set local [expr $var2 * 3]
proc mySecondProc { var2 } {
global myBigFatGlobalVariable
set $myBigFatGlobalVariable [expr $var2 * 3]
myFirstProc $myBigFatGlobalVariable 3
mySecondProc 3
It seems to me that myFirstProc would be cleaner and . Am I missing something here?