Has anyone managed to run wcf successfully in 2.0 integrated mode on IIS7 when .net 4 has been installed?
I found that installing .net 4 removed the 2.0 handlers for svc and replaced them with .net 4 versions (this led to a 404.17 error in my v3.5 site), I managed to get my 3.5 site working again by running ServiceModelReg.exe /i from the v3.0 folder (Windows Commuication Foundation) but that removed the 4.0 mappings so they seem to be mutually exclusive?
any advise on how to run a 4.0 and 3.5 WCF site on the same IIS7 server?
edit There where 4 app pools due to .net 4, classic and integrated 2.0 and 4.0. The site was still using the integrrated 2.0 app pool. It was the fact that the svc mapping was pointing to the 4.0 isapi dll, I added the 2.0 back in (which ammended the web.config to give a local mapping) but it had no effect.