



How can i get rid of hard coding in creating a new EntityKey in Entity Framework

+1  A: 

which means:

Public Shared Function GetName(Of TEntity As Type)() As String
 Dim type = GetType(TEntity)
 If Not type.IsSubclassOf(GetType(EntityObject)) Then Throw New Exception("Item must inherit from EntityObject.")
 Return GetType(ObjectContextName).Name & "." & type.Name
End Function

If you pluralizaed your entity-sets in .NET 3.5 (which Pluralization Service doesn't exist), use:

private static string ObjectContextName = typeof(Rlp.Data.Entities).Name;
public static string GetEntityName<TEntity>([Optional, DefaultParameterValue(false)]bool pluralize) where TEntity : Type
    Type type = typeof(TEntity);
    if (!type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(EntityObject))) throw new Exception("Item must inherit from EntityObject.");
    string entitySet = type.Name;
    if (pluralize) entitySet = Pluralizer.ToPlural(entitySet);
    return ObjectContextName + "." + entitySet;

Or even:

private static string ObjectContextName = typeof(Rlp.Data.Entities).Name;
private const string EntityIdSuffix = "Id";
public static EntityKey CreateEntityKey<TEntity>(string id , [Optional, DefaultParameterValue(false)]bool pluralize) where TEntity : Type
    Type type = typeof(TEntity);
    if (!type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(EntityObject))) throw new Exception("Item must inherit from EntityObject.");
    string entity = type.Name;
    string entitySet;
    entitySet = pluralize? Pluralizer.ToPlural(entity): entity;
    return new EntityKey(ObjectContextName + "." + entitySet, entity + EntityIdSuffix, id);  

The Pluralizer helper is from: Simple English Noun Pluralizer in C#
