Here's a strange question for you guys,
I have a nice sorted list that I wish to randomize. How would i go about doing that?
In my application, i have a function that returns a list of points that describe the outline of a discretized object. Due to the way the problem is solved, the function returns a nice ordered list. i have a second boundary described in math and want to determine if the two objects intersect each other. I simply itterate over the points and determine if any one point is inside the mathematical boundary.
The method works well but i want to increase speed by randomizing the point data. Since it is likely that that my mathematical boundary will be overlapped by a series of points that are right beside each other, i think it would make sense to check a randomized list rather than iterating over a nice sorted one (as it only takes a single hit to declare an intersection).
So, any ideas on how i would go about randomizing an ordered list?