Hi there,
I think the following extension method would be a solution to the problem:
public static MethodInfo GetGenericMethod(
this Type type, string name, Type[] generic_type_args, Type[] param_types, bool complain = true)
foreach (MethodInfo m in type.GetMethods())
if (m.Name == name)
ParameterInfo[] pa = m.GetParameters();
if (pa.Length == param_types.Length)
MethodInfo c = m.MakeGenericMethod(generic_type_args);
if (c.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType).SequenceEqual(param_types))
return c;
if (complain)
throw new Exception("Could not find a method matching the signature " + type + "." + name +
"<" + String.Join(", ", generic_type_args.AsEnumerable()) + ">" +
"(" + String.Join(", ", param_types.AsEnumerable()) + ").");
return null;
The call would be something like (just changing the last line of your original code):
var type = typeof(T);
var propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(group.PropertyName);
var propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
var sorterType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(type, propertyType);
var expressionType = typeof(Expression<>).MakeGenericType(sorterType);
var queryType = typeof(IQueryable);
var orderBy = typeof(System.Linq.Queryable).GetGenericMethod("OrderBy",
new Type[] { type, propertyType },
new[] { queryType, expressionType });
What is different to the other solutions: the resulting method matches the parameter types exactly, not only their generic base types.