



Hi, in silverlight 4 I need to know all the font names in my machines. Using....


 var typefaces = System.Windows.Media.Fonts.SystemTypefaces;

        foreach (System.Windows.Media.Typeface face in typefaces)

            System.Windows.Media.GlyphTypeface a;
            face.TryGetGlyphTypeface(out a);
            FontSource fs = new FontSource(a);

           var b = a.FontFileName;


I only can get FontFileName but actually we'd need the fontname for showing it....

How can get such info?

thanks you all!

+2  A: 

Generate a lookup table for Silverlight:

WPF has the properties to do this, but Silverlight does not.

If you look at the System.Windows.Media.Typeface objects in the debugger the fonts do not contain anything except 2 version numbers and the FontUri (read filename).

You could generate a lookup dictionary by running code under WPF to extract all the filenames and matching fontnames, but you need to do that on a machine with every font installed that you want to cover.

The WPF code below extracts such a table (this one contains the font names in all languages, so you will probably want to add a filter to it e.g. by "en-us"):

    foreach (var font in System.Windows.Media.Fonts.SystemTypefaces)
        System.Windows.Media.GlyphTypeface glyphTypeface;
        font.TryGetGlyphTypeface(out glyphTypeface);
        var dictionary = font.FaceNames;
        foreach (var language in dictionary.Keys)
            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("\"{0}\", \"{1}\", \"{2}\"", glyphTypeface.FontUri.Segments[glyphTypeface.FontUri.Segments.Count()-1], language, dictionary[language]));

Part of the output is shown below and could be easily formatted into a table or loaded as a dictionary in Silverlight:

"ARIAL.TTF", "ca-es", "Normal"
"ARIAL.TTF", "cs-cz", "obyčejné"
"ARIAL.TTF", "da-dk", "normal"
"ARIAL.TTF", "de-de", "Standard"
"ARIAL.TTF", "el-gr", "Κανονικά"
"ARIAL.TTF", "en-us", "Regular"
"ARIAL.TTF", "es-es", "Normal"
"ARIAL.TTF", "es-mx", "Normal"
"ARIAL.TTF", "eu-es", "Arrunta"
"ARIAL.TTF", "fi-fi", "Normaali"
"ARIAL.TTF", "fr-ca", "Normal"
"ARIAL.TTF", "fr-fr", "Normal"
"ARIAL.TTF", "hu-hu", "Normál"
"ARIAL.TTF", "it-it", "Normale"
"ARIAL.TTF", "nb-no", "Normal"
"ARIAL.TTF", "nl-nl", "Standaard"
"ARIAL.TTF", "pl-pl", "Normalny"
"ARIAL.TTF", "pt-br", "Normal"
"ARIAL.TTF", "pt-pt", "Normal"
"ARIAL.TTF", "ru-ru", "Обычный"
"ARIAL.TTF", "sk-sk", "Normálne"
"ARIAL.TTF", "sl-si", "Navadno"
"ARIAL.TTF", "sv-se", "Normal"
"ARIAL.TTF", "tr-tr", "Normal"
"ARIAL.TTF", "vi-vn", "thường"
"ARIALN.TTF", "en-us", "Narrow"
"ARIALI.TTF", "ca-es", "Cursiva"
"ARIALI.TTF", "cs-cz", "kurzíva"
"ARIALI.TTF", "da-dk", "kursiv"
"ARIALI.TTF", "de-de", "Kursiv"
"ARIALI.TTF", "el-gr", "Πλάγια"
"ARIALI.TTF", "en-us", "Italic"
"ARIALI.TTF", "es-es", "Cursiva"
"ARIALI.TTF", "es-mx", "Cursiva"
"ARIALI.TTF", "eu-es", "Etzana"
"ARIALI.TTF", "fi-fi", "Kursivoitu"
"ARIALI.TTF", "fr-ca", "Italique"
"ARIALI.TTF", "fr-fr", "Italique"
"ARIALI.TTF", "hu-hu", "Dőlt"
"ARIALI.TTF", "it-it", "Corsivo"
"ARIALI.TTF", "nb-no", "Kursiv"
"ARIALI.TTF", "nl-nl", "Cursief"
"ARIALI.TTF", "pl-pl", "Kursywa"
"ARIALI.TTF", "pt-br", "Itálico"
"ARIALI.TTF", "pt-pt", "Itálico"
"ARIALI.TTF", "ru-ru", "Курсив"
"ARIALI.TTF", "sk-sk", "Kurzíva"
"ARIALI.TTF", "sl-si", "Poševno"
"ARIALI.TTF", "sv-se", "Kursiv"
"ARIALI.TTF", "tr-tr", "İtalik"
"ARIALI.TTF", "vi-vn", "nghiêng"
"ARIALNI.TTF", "en-us", "Narrow"
"ARIALBD.TTF", "ca-es", "Negreta"
"ARIALBD.TTF", "cs-cz", "tučné"
"ARIALBD.TTF", "da-dk", "fed"
"ARIALBD.TTF", "de-de", "Fett"
"ARIALBD.TTF", "el-gr", "Έντονα"
"ARIALBD.TTF", "en-us", "Bold"
"ARIALBD.TTF", "es-es", "Negrita"
"ARIALBD.TTF", "es-mx", "Negrita"
"ARIALBD.TTF", "eu-es", "Lodia"
"ARIALBD.TTF", "fi-fi", "Lihavoitu"
Enough already

Hi, But the font.FaceNames don't allow at SilvetLight.
