May I know what is the proper way to keep track of display objects created and hence allow me to remove it efficiently later, for garbage collection. For example:
for(i=0; i<100; i++){
var dobj = new myClass(); //a sprite
From what i know, flash's garbage collection will only collect the objects without strong references and event listeners attached to it.
Since the var dobj
is strongly referenced to the new object created, I will have to "nullify" it too, am I correct?
Should I create an array to keep track of all the objects created in the loop such as:
var objectList:Array = new Array();
for(i=0; i<100; i++)
var dobj = new myClass(); //a sprite
//remove all children
for each (var key in objectList)
removeChild(key as myClass);
Does this allow GC to collect it on sweep?