



I found the MSDN example code for getting the default view of a collection and adding a filter to the view, but most of it is for .Net 4.0. I'm on a team that is not currently switching to 4.0, so I don't have that option. None of the examples I found used a DataTable as the source, so I had to adapt it a little. I'm using a DataTable because the data is comming from a DB ans it's easy to populate. After trying to implement the MSDN examples, I get a "NotSupportedException" when I try to set the Filter. This is the c# code I have:

protected DataTable _data = new DataTable();
protected BindingListCollectionView _filteredDataView;
private void On_Loaded(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
_filteredDataView = (BindingListCollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(_data); _filteredDataView.Filter = new Predicate(MatchesCurrentSelections); // throws NotSupportedException
public bool MatchesCurrentSelections(object o){...}

It seems that either BindingListCollectionView does not support filtering in .Net 3.5, or it just doesn't work for a DataTable. I looked at setting it up in XAML instead of the C# code, but the XAML examples use collections in resources instead of a collection that is a memberof the class, so I have no idea how to set that up. Does any one know how to filter a view to a DataTable?


I stopped looking into this a while ago, I thought I would update my question. I could not get the built-in filtering to work. Seems like it would be much easier with .NET 4.0 I resorted to re-querying the data with different conditions each time the desired filtering changes. In my application's environment, this has worked well and is very quick.


BindingListCollectionView does not support filtering nor sorting. Use CollectionViewSource to create an instance of ListCollectionView instead which supports both.

Can you give an example where the collection behind the view is a member property? The only examples I've found of using CollectionViewSource are in the XAML, and the view is for a collection which is a static resource, not a property.
Please check [my recent answer]( where you can find exactly the code you are looking for (just remove sorting, add filtering).Other than this, you shouldn't give up on XAML just because your collection is a resource. You can still happily put it all together in XAML. But if you prefer code you have both options.
The referenced posts did not help. I gave up on WPF's filtering, at least until we switch to .NET 4.0. See my edit.