I found the MSDN example code for getting the default view of a collection and adding a filter to the view, but most of it is for .Net 4.0. I'm on a team that is not currently switching to 4.0, so I don't have that option. None of the examples I found used a DataTable as the source, so I had to adapt it a little. I'm using a DataTable because the data is comming from a DB ans it's easy to populate. After trying to implement the MSDN examples, I get a "NotSupportedException" when I try to set the Filter. This is the c# code I have:
protected DataTable _data = new DataTable();
protected BindingListCollectionView _filteredDataView;
private void On_Loaded(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
_filteredDataView = (BindingListCollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(_data);
_filteredDataView.Filter = new Predicate(MatchesCurrentSelections); // throws NotSupportedException
public bool MatchesCurrentSelections(object o){...}
It seems that either BindingListCollectionView does not support filtering in .Net 3.5, or it just doesn't work for a DataTable. I looked at setting it up in XAML instead of the C# code, but the XAML examples use collections in resources instead of a collection that is a memberof the class, so I have no idea how to set that up. Does any one know how to filter a view to a DataTable?
I stopped looking into this a while ago, I thought I would update my question. I could not get the built-in filtering to work. Seems like it would be much easier with .NET 4.0 I resorted to re-querying the data with different conditions each time the desired filtering changes. In my application's environment, this has worked well and is very quick.