



I have the following worked out:

T(n) = T(n - 1) + n = O(n^2)

Now when I work this out I find that the bound is very loose. Have I done something wrong or is it just that way?

+5  A: 

You need also a base case for your recurrence relation.

T(1) = c
T(n) = T(n-1) + n

To solve this, you can first guess a solution and then prove it works using induction.

T(n) = (n + 1) * n / 2 + c - 1

First the base case. When n = 1 this gives c as required.

For other n:

= (n + 1) * n / 2 + c - 1
= ((n - 1) + 2) * n / 2 + c - 1
= ((n - 1) * n / 2) + (2 * n / 2) + c - 1
= (n * (n - 1) / 2) + c - 1) + (2 * n / 2)
= T(n - 1) + n

So the solution works.

To get the guess in the first place, notice that your recurrence relationship generates the triangular numbers when c = 1:

T(1) = 1:


T(2) = 3:


T(3) = 6:


T(4) = 10:



Intuitively a triangle is roughly half of a square, and in Big-O notation the constants can be ignored so O(n^2) is the expected result.

Mark Byers
Could you tell me how you got to the third equation you have in your answer? What mathematical technique did you apply to it?
@Tony: It's a "guess". In reality it's because I know the formula for triangular numbers - I didn't actually guess it, I already knew it. It is often easier to "guess" the correct answer and prove that it is correct instead of deriving it from first principles. This is a standard technique for solving recurrence relations.
Mark Byers
@Tony: The technical term for an educated guess is "ansatz". See: There is some information about using a guess to solve a recurrence relation in Wikipedia: Other possible methods of solving recurrence relations are also listed there.
Mark Byers
From O(n^2) you can more easily guess that the exact solution is a quadratic polynomial ax^2+bx+c and solve for a, b and c. There is a detailed description how to solve such problems in the book book Concrete Mathematics by Knuth, Oren, Patashnik.

Looks about right, but will depend on the base case T(1). Assuming you will do n steps to get T(n) to T(0) and each time the n term is anywhere between 0 and n for an average of n/2 so n * n/2 = (n^2)/2 = O(n^2).

+1  A: 

Think of it this way:
In each "iteration" of the recursion you do O(n) work.
Each iteration has n-1 work to do, until n = base case. (I'm assuming base case is O(n) work)
Therefore, assuming the base case is a constant independant of n, there are O(n) iterations of the recursion.
If you have n iterations of O(n) work each, O(n)*O(n) = O(n^2).
Your analysis is correct. If you'd like more info on this way of solving recursions, look into Recursion Trees. They are very intuitive compared to the other methods.

I was too much into the math of it all I think, and forgot the fact we're dealing with a recursion. Maybe that's why I don't quite get it. For the above I got T(n) <= 2n would that be correct?
Didn't quite understand what you're asking, there alot above
@Tony: No that is not correct. T(n) can be greater than 2n for small n.
Mark Byers