



I have it enabled in Visual Studio 2008, but I'd really like to enable this feature in SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Express. Does anyone know if its possible? Maybe in a later version?

EDIT: Sorry, I meant specifically in the text/query editor.

+2  A: 

SSMS (2005, I don't know about 2008) does not provide this functionality.

However, you could use a font that uses visible glyphs for spaces and tabs, like this:

I used a free font editor called Type Light to make a copy of an existing font, with a visible space glyph.

I know it's a hack, but where there's a will there's usually a way...

Simon Chadwick
@Simon Chadwick Yeah, I figured it didn't have the functionality, but I just wanted someone to confirm it for me (couldn't find it anywhere on Google!) At any rate, that's a clever workaround -- I think I'll give it a shot!
+5  A: 

In case you still need to know how to do this.

Edit the Registry Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\xx\Tools\Shell\Text Editor\Visible Whitespace

And set it to 1 to show.

Where xx is the version you have (90 is 2005, 100 is 2008)

Thank you! This was EXACTLY what I was looking for.