hello all i am working with multiple uitextfields.i have a problem in cursor placing while changing firstResponder. i would like to do "Cursor placement in 2nd field once we entered the 3rd character in the 1st field." but the cursor stays in 3rd place.here i am restricting my first text field length to 3.
This SO answer should help you. You set up notifications to be issued when the first text field state changes, firing a method that checks the text field's length. If firstTextField.text.length
is equal to three characters, call [secondTextField becomeFirstResponder]
Alex Reynolds
2010-05-04 08:33:36
Thanks my friend it really works...
2010-05-04 09:17:28
But it is working in isolated project.When i combine this to my project its not working.why?
2010-05-04 09:39:21
k its solved friend.i forget to call the awakeFromNib in my viewDidLoad.Thank u very much for the quick response
2010-05-04 10:21:49
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2010-06-24 09:07:41