



I use MD5 hash for identifying files with unknown origin. No attacker here, so I don't care that MD5 has been broken and one can intendedly generate collisions.

My problem is I need to provide logging so that different problems are diagnosed easier. If I log every hash as a hex string that's too long, inconvenient and looks ugly, so I'd like to shorten the hash string.

Now I know that just taking a small part of a GUID is a very bad idea - GUIDs are designed to be unique, but part of them are not.

Is the same true for MD5 - can I take say first 4 bytes of MD5 and assume that I only get collision probability higher due to the reduced number of bytes compared to the original hash?

+3  A: 

The short answer is yes, you can use the first 4 bytes as an id. Beware of the birthday paradox though:

The risk of a collision rapidly increases as you add more files. With 50.000 there's roughly 25% chance that you'll get an id collision.

EDIT: Ok, just read the link to your other question and with 100.000 files the chance of collision is roughly 70%.

Andreas Brinck
+1  A: 

Another way to shorten the hash is to convert it to something more efficient than HEX like Base64 or some variant there-of.

Even if you're determined to take on 4 characters, taking 4 characters of base64 gives you more bits than hex.

only if you turn the hex into it's 0-F form. You can still take the raw byte values and use that instead. Which in that case would be more bits than base-64