



In most cases, CSV files are text files with records delimited by commas. However, sometimes these files will come semicolon delimited. (Excel will use semicolon delimiters when saving CSVs if the regional settings has the decimal separator set as the comma -- this is common in Europe. Ref:

My question is, what is the best way to have a program guess whether to have it comma or semicolon separated?

e.g. a line like 1,1;1,1 may be ambiguous. It could be interpreted comma delimited as: 1 1;1 (a string) 1

or semicolon delimited as 1,1 1,1

My best guess so far is to try parsing the file both with , and ; delimiters, then choose the parse that has the most rows of the same length as the first row (usually a header row). If both have the same number of rows, choose the one with more columns. The main disadvantage of this is the extra overhead.


+1  A: 

Depending on what you are working with, if you will guaranteeing have a header row, your approach of trying both, could be the best overall practice. Then once you determine what is going on, if you get to a row further down that doesn't have the required number of columns then you know that the format isn't correct.

Typically i would see this as a user specified option on upload, rather than a programmatic test.

Mitchel Sellers
+1  A: 

If every row should have the same number of columns, which I believe is the case with Excel, then, using both commas and semicolons, figure out the number of columns for lines N and N+1. Whichever method (commas or semicolons) produces a different answer is wrong (not the format of the file). You can start at the beginning and you only have to go until one of them is proven incorrect. You don't need header lines or anything. You don't have to read more of the file than is necessary, and it can't ever give you a wrong answer for the format of the file, it just might reach the end and not yet have come to a conclusion. All you need is for the every row has the same number of columns property to hold.

Jay Kominek
Hmm, thank you! I think the assumption that every row has the same number of columns may not be valid in some cases (I have painfully discovered that Excel sometimes doesn't follow this when the last column is blank), but your insight on not treating the header row as special is helpful (avoids assumptions there). Maybe the best thing to do is to try with both methods and pick the one that has the most rows that agree on the # of columns.