This is my first time with much of this code. With this instancepool.h file below I get errors saying I can't use vector (line 14) or have instance& as a return type (line 20). It seems it can't use the instance objects despite the fact that I have included them.
#include "instance.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
class InstancePool
unsigned instances;//total number of instance objects
vector<instance> ipp;//the collection of instance objects, held in a vector
InstancePool();//Default constructor. Creates an InstancePool object that contains no Instance objects
InstancePool(const InstancePool& original);//Copy constructor. After copying, changes to original should not affect the copy that was created.
unsigned getNumberOfInstances() const;//Returns the number of Instance objects the the InstancePool contains.
const instance& operator[](unsigned index) const;
InstancePool& operator=(const InstancePool& right);//Overloading the assignment operator for InstancePool.
friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, InstancePool& ip);//Overloading of the >> operator.
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const InstancePool& ip);//Overloading of the << operator.
Here is the instance.h :
#ifndef _INSTANCE_H
#define _INSTANCE_H
///////////////////////////////#include "instancepool.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
class Instance
string filenamee;
bool categoryy;
unsigned featuress;
unsigned* featureIDD;
unsigned* frequencyy;
string* featuree;
Instance (unsigned features = 0);//default constructor
unsigned getNumberOfFeatures() const; //Returns the number of the keywords that the calling Instance object can store.
Instance(const Instance& original);//Copy constructor. After copying, changes to the original should not affect the copy that was created.
~Instance() { delete []featureIDD; delete []frequencyy; delete []featuree;}//Destructor.
void setCategory(bool category){categoryy = category;}//Sets the category of the message. Spam messages are represented with true and and legit messages with false.//easy
bool getCategory() const;//Returns the category of the message.
void setFileName(const string& filename){filenamee = filename;}//Stores the name of the file (i.e. “spam/spamsga1.txt”, like in 1st assignment) in which the message was initially stored.//const string& trick?
string getFileName() const;//Returns the name of the file in which the message was initially stored.
void setFeature(unsigned i, const string& feature, unsigned featureID,unsigned frequency) {//i for array positions
featuree[i] = feature;
featureIDD[i] = featureID;
frequencyy[i] = frequency;
string getFeature(unsigned i) const;//Returns the keyword which is located in the ith position.//const string
unsigned getFeatureID(unsigned i) const;//Returns the code of the keyword which is located in the ith position.
unsigned getFrequency(unsigned i) const;//Returns the frequency
Instance& operator=(const Instance& right);//Overloading of the assignment operator for Instance.
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Instance& inst);//Overloading of the << operator for Instance.
friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, Instance& inst);//Overloading of the >> operator for Instance.
Also, if it is helpful here is instance.cpp:
// Here we implement the functions of the class apart from the inline ones
#include "instance.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
Instance::Instance(unsigned features) { //Constructor that can be used as the default constructor.
featuress = features;
if (features == 0)
featuree = new string[featuress]; // Dynamic memory allocation.
featureIDD = new unsigned[featuress];
frequencyy = new unsigned[featuress];
unsigned Instance::getNumberOfFeatures() const {//Returns the number of the keywords that the calling Instance object can store.
return featuress;}
Instance::Instance(const Instance& original) {//Copy constructor.
filenamee = original.filenamee;
categoryy = original.categoryy;
featuress = original.featuress;
featuree = new string[featuress];
for(unsigned i = 0; i < featuress; i++) {
featuree[i] = original.featuree[i];
featureIDD = new unsigned[featuress];
for(unsigned i = 0; i < featuress; i++) {
featureIDD[i] = original.featureIDD[i];
frequencyy = new unsigned[featuress];
for(unsigned i = 0; i < featuress; i++) {
frequencyy[i] = original.frequencyy[i];}
bool Instance::getCategory() const { //Returns the category of the message.
return categoryy;}
string Instance::getFileName() const { //Returns the name of the file in which the message was initially stored.
return filenamee;}
string Instance::getFeature(unsigned i) const { //Returns the keyword which is located in the ith position.//const string
return featuree[i];}
unsigned Instance::getFeatureID(unsigned i) const { //Returns the code of the keyword which is located in the ith position.
return featureIDD[i];}
unsigned Instance::getFrequency(unsigned i) const { //Returns the frequency
return frequencyy[i];}
Instance& Instance::operator=(const Instance& right) { //Overloading of the assignment operator for Instance.
if(this == &right) return *this;
delete []featureIDD;
delete []frequencyy;
delete []featuree;
filenamee = right.filenamee;
categoryy = right.categoryy;
featuress = right.featuress;
featureIDD = new unsigned[featuress];
frequencyy = new unsigned[featuress];
featuree = new string[featuress];
for(unsigned i = 0; i < featuress; i++) {
featureIDD[i] = right.featureIDD[i]; }
for(unsigned i = 0; i < featuress; i++) {
frequencyy[i] = right.frequencyy[i]; }
for(unsigned i = 0; i < featuress; i++) {
featuree[i] = right.featuree[i]; }
return *this;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Instance& inst) {//Overloading of the << operator for Instance.
out << endl << "<message file=" << '"' << inst.filenamee << '"' << " category=";
if (inst.categoryy == 0)
out << '"' << "legit" << '"';
out << '"' << "spam" << '"';
out << " features=" << '"' << inst.featuress << '"' << ">" <<endl;
for (int i = 0; i < inst.featuress; i++) {
out << "<feature id=" << '"' << inst.featureIDD[i] << '"' << " freq=" << '"' << inst.frequencyy[i] << '"' << "> " << inst.featuree[i] << " </feature>"<< endl;
out << "</message>" << endl;
return out;
istream& operator>>(istream& in, Instance& inst) { //Overloading of the >> operator for Instance.
string word;
string numbers = "";
string filenamee2 = "";
bool categoryy2 = 0;
unsigned featuress2;
string featuree2;
unsigned featureIDD2;
unsigned frequencyy2;
unsigned i;
unsigned y;
while(in >> word) {
if (word == "<message") {//if at beginning of message
in >> word;//grab filename word
for (y=6; word[y]!='"'; y++) {//pull out filename from between quotes
filenamee2 += word[y];}
in >> word;//grab category word
if (word[10] == 's')
categoryy2 = 1;
in >> word;//grab features word
for (y=10; word[y]!='"'; y++) {
numbers += word[y];}
featuress2 = atoi(numbers.c_str());//convert string of numbers to integer
Instance tempp2(featuress2);//make a temporary Instance object to hold values read in
tempp2.setFileName(filenamee2);//set temp object to filename read in
for (i=0; i<featuress2; i++) {//loop reading in feature reports for message
in >> word >> word >> word;//skip two words
numbers = "";//reset numbers string
for (int y=4; word[y]!='"'; y++) {//grab feature ID
numbers += word[y];}
featureIDD2 = atoi(numbers.c_str());
in >> word;//
numbers = "";
for (int y=6; word[y]!='"'; y++) {//grab frequency
numbers += word[y];}
frequencyy2 = atoi(numbers.c_str());
in >> word;//grab actual feature string
featuree2 = word;
tempp2.setFeature(i, featuree2, featureIDD2, frequencyy2);
}//all done reading in and setting features
in >> word;//read in last part of message : </message>
inst = tempp2;//set inst (reference) to tempp2 (tempp2 will be destroyed at end of function call)
return in;
and instancepool.cpp:
// Here we implement the functions of the class apart from the inline ones
#include "instancepool.h"
#include "instance.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
InstancePool::InstancePool()//Default constructor. Creates an InstancePool object that contains no Instance objects
instances = 0;
InstancePool::~InstancePool() {
InstancePool::InstancePool(const InstancePool& original) {//Copy constructor.
instances = original.instances;
for (int i = 0; i<instances; i++) {
unsigned InstancePool::getNumberOfInstances() const {//Returns the number of Instance objects the the InstancePool contains.
return instances;}
const Instance& InstancePool::operator[](unsigned index) const {//Overloading of the [] operator for InstancePool.
return ipp[index];}
InstancePool& InstancePool::operator=(const InstancePool& right) {//Overloading the assignment operator for InstancePool.
if(this == &right) return *this;
instances = right.instances;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < instances; i++) {
ipp.push_back(right.ipp[i]); }
return *this;
istream& operator>>(istream& in, InstancePool& ip) {//Overloading of the >> operator.
string word;
string numbers;
int total;//int to hold total number of messages in collection
while(in >> word) {
if (word == "<messagecollection"){
in >> word;//reads in total number of all messages
for (int y=10; word[y]!='"'; y++){
numbers = "";
numbers += word[y];
total = atoi(numbers.c_str());
for (int x = 0; x<total; x++) {//do loop for each message in collection
in >> ip.ipp[x];//use instance friend function and [] operator to fill in values and create Instance objects and read them intot he vector
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const InstancePool& ip) {//Overloading of the << operator.
out << "<messagecollection messages=" << '"' << '>' << ip.instances << '"'<< endl << endl;
for (int z=0; z<ip.instances; z++) {
out << ip[z];}
out << endl<<"</messagecollection>\n";
This code is currently not writing to files correctly either at least, I'm sure it has many problems. I hope my posting of so much is not too much, and any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks!