hi all, i am creating flex 3 component when i re size the window i need to re size the labels and text.how to do this?
hi all, i am creating flex 3 component when i re size the window i need to re size the labels and text.how to do this?
Did you try a width and height in percent?
<mx:Label text="This is my text" width="100%" height="100%"/>
As far as the text is concerned, check out this trick used here
* Cheesy loop to find what should be the font size to fit the text in the inner rectangle
* This is invoked by creationComplete (or whenever you want to resize the font)
private function resize():void {
var tf:TextField = lSpeech.mx_internal::getTextField();
var textFormat:flash.text.TextFormat = tf.getTextFormat();
while( tf.height > height * 0.707 && textFormat.size > 1 && labelFontSize > 1) {
textFormat.size = int( textFormat.size) - 1;
tf.setTextFormat( textFormat);
// repsition the label (vertical center)
lSpeech.y = (height - tf.height) / 2 - 10;
lSpeech.height = tf.height;