I have a circular, statically allocated buffer in C, which I'm using as a queue for a depth breadth first search. I'd like have the top N elements in the queue sorted. It would be easy to just use a regular qsort() - except it's a circular buffer, and the top N elements might wrap around. I could, of course, write my own sorting implementation that uses modular arithmetic and knows how to wrap around the array, but I've always thought that writing sorting functions is a good exercise, but something better left to libraries.
I thought of several approaches:
- Use a separate linear buffer - first copy the elements from the circular buffer, then apply qsort, then copy them back. Using an additional buffer means an additional O(N) space requirement, which brings me to
- Sort the "top" and "bottom" halve using qsort, and then merge them using the additional buffer
- Same as 2. but do the final merge in-place (I haven't found much on in-place merging, but the implementations I've seen don't seem worth the reduced space complexity)
On the other hand, spending an hour contemplating how to elegantly avoid writing my own quicksort, instead of adding those 25 (or so) lines might not be the most productive either...
Correction: Made a stupid mistake of switching DFS and BFS (I prefer writing a DFS, but in this particular case I have to use a BFS), sorry for the confusion.
Further description of the original problem:
I'm implementing a breadth first search (for something not unlike the fifteen puzzle, just more complicated, with about O(n^2) possible expansions in each state, instead of 4). The "bruteforce" algorithm is done, but it's "stupid" - at each point, it expands all valid states, in a hard-coded order. The queue is implemented as a circular buffer (unsigned queue[MAXLENGTH]), and it stores integer indices into a table of states. Apart from two simple functions to queue and dequeue an index, it has no encapsulation - it's just a simple, statically allocated array of unsigned's.
Now I want to add some heuristics. The first thing I want to try is to sort the expanded child states after expansion ("expand them in a better order") - just like I would if I were programming a simple best-first DFS. For this, I want to take part of the queue (representing the most recent expanded states), and sort them using some kind of heuristic. I could also expand the states in a different order (so in this case, it's not really important if I break the FIFO properties of the queue).
My goal is not to implement A*, or a depth first search based algorithm (I can't afford to expand all states, but if I don't, I'll start having problems with infinite cycles in the state space, so I'd have to use something like iterative deepening).