



I am starting a new job in a few weeks and am going to have to transition from C# to VB. I know that the differences are largely syntactic, but I would love to have a good reference book to help me figure out what those syntactic differences are when I run across them. I've looked on Amazon, of course, but would like to hear if anyone has suggestions. I need a tiebreaker!



What version of C# were you accustom to? That will make a huge difference in what the changes are.

I'll also point you to this question:
Hidden Features of VB.Net

There was another question asking about what features you'd like to see in the next version of vb that ended up having a lot of information about C# features missing in VB, but I can't find it at the moment. When I come across it again I'll post it.

Here it is:
Note that a number of these are already in the works for vs2010.

Joel Coehoorn
I'm on C# 3.5 at my current position, and a lot of the syntactic things I'm concerned about are "new feature" stuff in C#. I read both of those posts, thanks. I would just like to have a book at my desk for reference :-)
+1  A: 

Not a book, but get refactor 2008 or a similar app. VB does not have that handy little context menu =(

Harding has a nice cheat sheet on the syntactic differences between the languages.

I'm a Harding Alum :)
Joel Coehoorn

This question ended up producing the answer I was looking for, in part, along with this book.