




i have to make the colorpiker tool of flex, to be a customized one, i beleive you have seen the color picker tool of flex, when you click on the colorpicker, a swatch panel gets open, right??

now in that swatch, there are three compoenents, one is thw colorbox(on top left), beside right to this is the text field holding the hex code of the color and below these two tools, is the colors present in the small rectangles,

now my need is this, i want to add three more buttons on the top empty space after textfield,

so that structure of the colors pciker looks like this

colorbox | textfield | button1 | button2 | button3

color rectangles, showing all default colors

i beleive u understood, what i meant here,

so plzz help me out in making a custom colorpciker class, thanx
