



Our Flash web-based applications play lots of audio for narration and sound-effects. Some of our customers have firewall rules that block downloading of MP3 and other audio files. So, we need to wrap those MP3 files in SWFs. In the past, I've written JSFL scripts that automate the Flash IDE and walk through a complicated, fragile set of steps to embed MP3 files into FLAs and then publish those to SWFs. Now, Flex SDK provides the mxmlc compiler. I've mixed ANT into our workflow, and command-line and automated builds have been a joy. So, I want to make transcoding or wrapping of MP3s part of our build process. I've found Embedding Asset at Compile time in Pure AS3, but this will require that I write a script to generate a wrapper class AS file. Is there a cleaner way to wrap or transcode MP3 files into SWFs? I suppose I'm hoping there is a method for passing the mp3 directly to mxmlc and outputting a swf, but any recommendation better than generating actionscript wrapper classes would be greatly appreciated.