Is there a way to immediately return from a function when in one or more nested loops?
Here's some sample code illustrating the problem:
; Grid data structure
; -------------------
(defstruct grid :width :height)
(defn create-grid [w h initial-value]
(struct-map grid
:width w
:height h
:data (ref (vec (repeat (* w h) initial-value)))))
(defn create-grid-with-data [w h gdata]
(struct-map grid
:width w
:height h
:data (ref gdata)))
(defn get-grid [g x y]
(let [gdata (g :data)
idx (+ x (* (g :width) y)) ]
(gdata idx)))
(defn set-grid [g x y value]
(let [data (deref (g :data))
idx (+ x (* (g :width) y)) ]
(dosync (alter (g :data) (fn [_] (assoc data idx value))))))
(defn get-grid-rows [g]
(partition (g :width) (deref (g :data))))
; Beginning of test app
; ---------------------
; The Tetris playing field
(def current-field (create-grid 20 10 0))
; A tetris block (the L-Shape)
(def current-block {
:grid (struct-map grid :width 3 :height 3 :data [ 0 1 0
0 1 0
0 1 1 ])
; upper-left corner of the block position in the playing field
:x (ref 0)
:y (ref 0)
} )
; check-position-valid checks if the current position
; of a block is a valid position in a playing field
(defn check-position-valid [field block]
(dotimes [ x ((block :grid) :width) ]
(dotimes [ y ((block :grid) :height) ]
(let [ g (block :grid)
block-value (get-grid g x y)
field-x (+ x (deref (block :x)))
field-y (+ y (deref (block :y))) ]
(if (not (zero? block-value))
(and (>= field-x 0)
(< field-x (field :width))
(< field-y (field :height))
(zero? (get-grid field field-x field-y)))
false ; invalid position, function should now return false
true ; ok, continue loop
(println (check-position-valid current-field current-block))
Perhaps I'm approaching the problem too much in an imperative way.
Ok, I found a solution:
; check-position-valid checks if the current position
; of a block is a valid position in a playing field
(defn check-position-valid [field block]
(let [stop-condition (ref false)]
(loop [ x 0 ]
(when (and (not (deref stop-condition))
(< x ((block :grid) :width)))
(println "x" x)
(loop [ y 0 ]
(when (and (not (deref stop-condition))
(< y ((block :grid) :height)))
(println "y" y)
(let [ g (block :grid)
block-value (get-grid g x y)
field-x (+ x (deref (block :x)))
field-y (+ y (deref (block :y))) ]
(if (not (zero? block-value))
(and (>= field-x 0)
(< field-x (field :width))
(< field-y (field :height))
(zero? (get-grid field field-x field-y)))
(println "stop is true")
(dosync (alter stop-condition (fn [_] true)))))))
(recur (inc y))))
(recur (inc x))))
(not (deref stop-condition))))
(println (check-position-valid current-field current-block))
It uses a mutable reference as a stop flag, breaking the functional style of programming. But I'm happy to have a solution. Feel free to share a better way.
For those interested, I've finished a first version version of my Clojure Tetris game. Feel free to give it a try :)