Let DP[N]
be the smallest value we can obtain using the first N
elements. I will do a recursive implementation(using memoization) with pseudocode:
int solve(int index)
if (index == N)
return 0;
if (DP[index] already computed)
return DP[index];
//put a + sign
result = min(result, input[index] + solve(index + 1));
//put consecutive * signs
int cur = input[index];
for (int i = index + 1; i < N; i++)
cur *= input[i];
result = min(result, cur + solve(i + 1));
return DP[index] = result;
Call it with solve(0);
You can easily reconstruct the solution after this. I haven't tested it and maybe I have missed an edge case in the pseudocode but it should give you the right track.
string reconstruct(int index)
if (index == N)
return "";
string result = "";
//put consecutive * signs
int cur = input[index];
string temp = ToString(input[index]);
for (int i = index + 1; i < N; i++)
cur *= input[i];
temp += "*";
if (DP[index] == cur + DP[i + 1])
result = temp + reconstruct(i + 1);
//put a + sign
if (result == "")
result = ToString(input[index]) + "+" + reconstruct(index + 1);
return result;
string result = reconstruct(0);
P.S Sorry for the many edits.