



I would like to know some really good tutorials, references or books about getting the basic foundations in JavaScript programming, and then learning really deep, but good foundation and language understanding is pretty basic I think.

BUT please bear in mind that I am an experienced programmer with C++ and C# etc. so I wouldn't like the type of "BACK TO BASIC PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING " books/tutorials that teaches very basic concepts along with JavaScript, but books that are targeted to experienced developers who want to add one more programming language to their arsenal.

+1  A: 

Javascript tutorial for programmers

Steven A. Lowe
+7  A: 

You want to check out Javascript: The Good Parts. It's tailor made for people in your exact situation. For a sneak preview of the book's contents, see this talk by the author.

Bill the Lizard
+1  A: 

start to learn jQuery as soon as possible... it will save a ton of time learning some of the DOM navigation. has tons of documentation or "jQuery In Action" if you like reading books.

Chris Conway
I would actually advise against this... if you're going to be dealing with non-jQuery code, you'll need to know how to do it "by hand". Also, if you want to dive into the jQuery source, you'll need to know it too.
I agree with meador. jQuery is excellent for making a JavaScript programmer more efficient. It's not excellent for making a JavaScript programmer.
Andrew Hedges
+1  A: 

Here's a link that's quite helpful in getting your javascript up to speed:

What ASP.NET Developers Should Know About JavaScript


If you like to learn by digging in, download JQuery, learn how to use it, and digg up the code.

Bruno Shine
+3  A: 

Javascript: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly) would be great for you. It assumes some programming knowledge, explains how Javascript differs from other languages, and makes a good reference.

Nathan Long

To learn the language I recommend you this tutorial: Eloquent JavaScript, its a really good interactive tutorial you can test your own code on the fly.

Once you feel comfortable with the language, try to learn some JavaScript Programming Patterns

+1  A: 

I find the "Head First" O'Reilly series a really great way to begin learning any topic. They have a couple of books about JavaScript which get very good ratings on Amazon:

Head First JavaScript

Head First Ajax

For a more complete study of the language (which is still very readable) check out JavaScript: The Definitive Guide. This is considered by many to be the "bible of JavaScript" and is the book I used to get started with the language. I was very pleased with it and I still regularly use the reference sections.

The "Head First" books are great, but I think they would qualify as 'basic' books that the OP is not interested in.
Larry OBrien
+4  A: 

I can recommend the presentations Douglas Crockford did for YUI Theater.

Douglas Crockford, The JavaScript Programming Language

+2  A: 

A re-introduction to JavaScript at Mozilla's Developer Center is a good concise one-page introduction to JavaScript's key features.


I second any links to Douglas Crockford Javascript videos. He's really good at explaining stuff.
