


  • Other SO threads have asked people if they prefer N-Tier or MVC architecture.
  • I'm not looking to continue that debate on this thread.
  • I'm looking for something more specific.

My Question:

Does Anyone Still Prefer N-Tier Architecture After Having Shipped an MVC Application?

Reason for My Question:

  • Before I shipped an MVC web application, I wasn't convinced that it was superior to N-Tier Architecture.
    • Specifically, if better unit testing was the only obvious benefit of MVC, then I saw no reason to switch gears and adopt a new architecture.
  • But after having shipped an MVC application, I can see many benefits (which have been enumerated on other threads).
+1  A: 

I can say that I have used both and prefer N-Tier. I still think its cleaner in the end. I use Layergen which will automatically build the Data layers and Business Layers for me.
