



I have a simple one dimmensional array of integer values that represent a physical set of part values I have to work with. I then calculate and ideal value mathematically.

How could I write an efficient search algorithm that will find the smallest abosulte difference from my ideal value in the array?

The array is predetermined and constant, so it can be sorted however I need.

Example Lookup array:

100, 152, 256, 282, 300

Searching for an ideal value of 125 would find 100 in the array, whereas 127 would find 152.

The actual lookup array will be about 250 items long and never change.


Just going through the array and computing abs(reference-array_value[i]) would take O(N). carry the index with the smallest difference.

+5  A: 

Once array is sorted, use binary search

Will that always find closest match though? I've only seen implementations for exact match
You can set it up to give you the one before or one after if there is no exact match. Then you just have to check two values to see which is closest.
Justin Peel
@CSharperWithJava, You can use the example from the blog post to find closest item using binary search:
+1  A: 

Python, brute force on unsorted list (cause it's fun writing Python) O(n):

table = (100, 152, 256, 282, 300)
value = 125

lookup_dict = dict([(abs(value-x),x) for x in table])
closest_val = ldict[min(ldict.keys())]

And a proper implementation that uses binary search to find the value O(log_n):

import bisect
'''Returns the closest entry in the sorted list 'sorted' to 'value'
def find_closest(sorted, value):
    if (value <= sorted[0]):
        return sorted[0]
    if (value >= sorted[-1]):
        return sorted[-1]
    insertpos = bisect.bisect(sorted, value)
    if (abs(sorted[insertpos-1] - value) <= abs(sorted[insertpos] - value)):
        return sorted[insertpos-1]
        return sorted[insertpos]