



I opened up an old project in Flex Builder 3 which runs on Adobe AIR 1.0. I believe it was originally written in Flex Builder 2. When I try to run the Adobe Air application, nothing happens. When I try to export a release build, I get this error:

Error creatign AIR file: 305: ERROR, 10, `

If I change the main-app.xml file to use the 1.5 version of the namespace, it builds fine. Unfortunately, the clients environment runs on 1.0. Ideas?


The quickest answer, without a ton of support steps and questions (not the least of which for me would be -- what is the image/error? I'm behind a ridiculously-high-security firewall + proxy server and can't see it), would be to start a new 1.5 AIR project with the same name. Then copy the fewest number of files as possible... the main windowedApp file + the style and component files, avoiding project config files.

You might get yourself in trouble if you wanted to keep the client's development environment as 1.0 (which is what I assume you meant by "Unfortunately, the clients environment runs on 1.0.").... make sure not to mix your project config files (.flexProperties, the app.xml files, etc.) and you should be cool.


I was able to figure this out. You can only compile AIR 1.0 files with an older Flex SDK. Head over to the Adobe Flex site, and download an older SDK. I wanted to the 3.0.3 build, but the download was giving a 404, so I used 3.0.0. Under compile settings in Flex builder, add the new SDK, and then use that for a build. It works after that. It's a real shame they didn't handle this error better in Flex Builder. Right now it's a real mess.

Shawn Simon