Who knows the most robust algorithm for a chromatic instrument tuner?
I am trying to write an instrument tuner. I have tried the following two algorithms:
FFT to create a welch periodogram and then detect the peak frequency
A simple autocorrelation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autocorrelation)
I encountered the following basic problems:
Accuracy 1: in FFT the relation between samplerate, recording length and bin size is fixed. This means that I need to record a 1-2 seconds of data to get an accuracy of a few cents. This is not exactly what i would call realtime.
Accuracy 2: autocorrelation works a bit better. To get the needed accuracy of a few cents I had to introduced linear interpolation of samples.
Robustness: In case of a guitar I see a lot of overtones. Some overtones are actually stronger than the main tone produced by the string. I could not find a robust way to select the right string played.
Still, any cheap electronic tuner works more robust than my implementation. How are those tuners implemented?