Hi, I've got a problem with type coercion in a Java/Hibernate/BlazeDS/Flex-Setup.
First of all, my classes look like this:
--- JAVA ---
Interface I
(Abstract) Class A implements I
Class B extends A
--- ActionScript ---
Interface I
Class A implements I
Class B extends A
I got RemoteClass-Meta-Tags in all ActionScript-Classes/Interfaces I, A and B. Package structure and Class/Interface names are exactly the same.
Now here's the problem: My Java Service successfully retrieves objects of class B from my database via Hibernate. I got another class C which has a member property of interface type I, so it should be possible to assign an object of type B. But for some reason i get the following error message:
TypeError: Error #1034: cannot convert Object@28b44a89 to package.name.I
I checked the Java object type in the service and it is of type B and seems to be totally fine. Why can't the object of type B be assigned to a member variable of type I? This is driving me nuts.
Thanks in advance.