



So I've spent a lot of time making an iPhone game and have recently realized that I don't have to limit myself to just Apple - I know there are app stores for Palm and Android, but does anybody know of a good "app store" for the plain old PC? I would like to have one where individual developers can publish an app and not have to worry about all the billing and piracy issues!

+1  A: 

Valve has Steam, although that's a bit of a game store. It comes with DRM so it might be what you want.

From what I can see, their website has an email to coontact them about distribution and that's it. [email protected]

Stardock has Impulse, which is more of a general app store although it does have games as well. No DRM baked in, and it has a very liberal return policy.

Impulse has a page with more info and a contact form - The page states the base rate is 70% which is likely more than Steam gives you.


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