


+1  Q: 

3D Mesh Joining

I have 2 (or more) intersecting meshes, which require joining into 1 mesh object. I want to have some control over the resulting seam vertex insertion, so looking to write myself rather than use a library.

Has anyone come across some open source code to base the algorithm on / ideas on the process? Initial impressions are: 1. Present in every 3D modelling program -> mostly reinventing existing process (hence search for examples) 2. Potential for fiddly-ness around the polygon face direction and just touching conditions. (see above point)


Have you played with CGAL? It's advertised to expose boolean operations on general polyhedra, not just triangular meshes. My own brief experience with it was that it's somewhat over-generic and over-designed, but it got the job done.

You you're willing to invest in studying open source modeling projects, Blender seems nice. Haven't looked inside myself.

Ofek Shilon