When commiting changes to already existing files I receive the following error messages since today, although no one did change anything I know of at the server or client side.
The server is running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (i586). We're using use mod_dav_svn 1.6.4 in apache 2.2.13. The svn server is running behind a reverse-proxy whose settings are also said to have not changed.
Me and the persons who also do have the problem also are using Tortoise svn on windows as client.
Updating and creating new files also works without problems.
mod_dav_svn close_stream: error closing write stream [500, #2]
Can't open file '/var/lib/svn/repos/project/db/transactions/1744-1gq.txn/next-ids': No such file or directory [500, #2]
mod_dav_svn close_stream: error closing write stream [500, #2]
Can't open file '/var/lib/svn/repos/project/db/transactions/1744-1gr.txn/node.c-293.0-1732': No such file or directory [500, #2]
Could not MERGE resource "/repos/project/!svn/act/48c175a7-c2dc-624d-a16d-c50c9a4f1679" into "/repos/project/folder/branches/CR008/folder/folder/WebContent/custom/webtop/admin2". [409, #0]
An error occurred while committing the transaction. [409, #2]
Can't open file '/var/lib/svn/repos/project/db/transactions/1744-1gs.txn/props': No such file or directory [409, #2]
I also checked for disk space and restarted the svn server and run svnadmin recover
. What else could I try?