



I'd like to set my bash prompt to a fixed width, and make up the difference in space before the $, so whether long or short, my prompt remains the same width:

[name@host] ~/Directory/Dir...Another/LastDir $ 
[name@host] ~/Directory(branch)               $ 

Currently, in a short directory path my prompt looks something like this:

[name@host] ~/Directory(branch) $ 

a deeper directory path looks like this:

[name@host] ~/Directory/Dir...Another/LastDir $ 

You can see I've truncated the PWD in the middle so I can see where the path begins, and where it ends. I'd like to make up the difference before the $.

Here is my current prompt:

# keep working directory to 30 chars, center tuncated
prompt_pwd() {
  local pwd_symbol="..."
  local pwd_length=30
  [ ${#newPWD} -gt ${pwd_length} ] && newPWD=${newPWD:0:12}${pwd_symbol}${newPWD:${#newPWD}-15}
# set prompt
prompt_color() {
  PROMPT_COMMAND='prompt_pwd;history -a;title_git'
  PS1="${WHITEONMAGENTA}[\u@\h]${MAGENTA} \w\$(parse_git_branch) ${MAGENTABOLD}\$${PS_CLEAR} "

In my search, I found A Prompt the Width of Your Term which does do some fill, but couldn't get it working for this particular prompt.


What I've done is position my directory and such above my prompt, so I don't have to worry about it:


This way, I can also have the added benefit of copying the line above for SCP and SSH commands without having to prepend the user@host:/directory example.

Here's my $PS1 variable, should you like to try it out:

\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$

Nick Klauer
i like this, but for true copy and paste to work, i'd want to wrap quotes around any directories with spaces.
@seaofclouds: Yeah, that is something that I haven't had to work with too much, but I see where you're coming from. However, in comparison to typing it all by hand, or editing the few spaces with \, I still think a partial solution is better than nothing. There's probably a way to annotate that, but I don't know enough about PS1 variables to do that (yet).
Nick Klauer
+1  A: 

You can set the environment variable BASH_COMMAND, which allows you to define the prompt manually. You may use expand -t to get it to the desired length.

+1  A: 

If your path is too short ([ ${#newPWD} -le ${pwd_length} ]), you can use printf(1) to extend it.

printf -v newPWD "%-*s" $pwd_length "$newPWD"

This will left-justify the string in $newPWD with a field width of $pwd_length.

printf(1) is built into bash so it is not too expensive to run each prompt.

this worked perfectly.