



Hi Guys, Could you please help me regarding the mms streaming. I have download the libmms unable to run inside the xcode for implementing an iPhone application. Could you guys guide me how to integrate the libmms in an iPhone application? or is there any other library/open source available for mms streaming.

Thanks in advance Subha


Hi All, I have get some problem when I assign a value to the note... I am new in this language and I don't know how to assign a value to the note. Here below are the code are working perfectly and now I want to assign a string like @"abc" to the note member variable "sname". Please tell me how I will do that. Thanks in advance.

-(void) newRadioStation:(NSNotification *)note { NSLog(@"new weather station11 [%@]",note); NSLog(@"new weather station22 [%@]",[[note object] description]); NSLog(@"new weather station33 [%@]",[note object]);

did u finally succeed or not. if yes, can u share more details on using libmms on iphone?
Satyam svv