



I created a web project on the server, and when I upload an image shows me the error

Error: A generic error occurred in GDI+

I have read many links on the net that talk about this issue, and although I made the changes, nothing went wrong.

I was thinking if the case is not an issue of permissions to folders. In fact I have two folders one inside the other.

This is the code to resize the image:

 public Bitmaps ResizeImage (Stream stream, int? width, int? height) 
            System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpOut = null; 
            const int defaultWidth = 800; 
            const int defaultHeight = 600; 
            int width = lnWidth == null? defaultWidth: (int) width; 
            int height = lnHeight == null? defaultHeight: (int) height; 

                LoBMP bitmap = new Bitmap (stream); 

                ImageFormat loFormat = loBMP.RawFormat; 

                decimal lnRatio; 
                lnNewWidth int = 0; 
                lnNewHeight int = 0; 

                if (loBMP.Width <& & lnWidth loBMP.Height <lnHeight) 
                    loBMP return; 

                if (loBMP.Width> loBMP.Height) 
                    lnRatio = (decimal) lnWidth / loBMP.Width; 
                    lnNewWidth = lnWidth; 
                    decimal = lnTemp loBMP.Height lnRatio *; 
                    lnNewHeight = (int) lnTemp; 
                    lnRatio = (decimal) lnHeight / loBMP.Height; 
                    lnNewHeight = lnHeight; 
                    decimal = lnTemp loBMP.Width lnRatio *; 
                    lnNewWidth = (int) lnTemp; 

                bmpOut = new Bitmap (lnNewWidth, lnNewHeight); 
                Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage (bmpOut); 
                g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; 
                g.FillRectangle (Brushes.White, 0, 0, lnNewWidth, lnNewHeight); 
                g.DrawImage (loBMP, 0, 0, lnNewWidth, lnNewHeight); 
                loBMP.Dispose (); 

                return null; 
            bmpOut return; 

and this is the code that I insert in the codebehind:

string filepath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + img_veterinario / "; 
string filepathM = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + img_veterinario / img_veterinarioM; 
Reseize Reseize R = new (); 
Bitmap = photosFileOriginal r.ResizeImage (fucasiclinici.PostedFile.InputStream, 400, 400); 
Bitmap = photosFileMiniatura r.ResizeImage (fucasiclinici.PostedFile.InputStream, 72, 72); 
String filename = Path.GetFileName (fucasiclinici.PostedFile.FileName); 
photosFileOriginal.Save (Path.Combine (filepath, filename)); 
photosFileMiniatura.Save (Path.Combine (filepathM, filename));