Why is Fedora chosen by so many developers in preference to Ubuntu? I'm using Ubuntu for software development for some time now, and I'm quite happy with it but I'm thinking to give Fedora a try. So, what are the pros/cons for using Fedora for software development?
I guess it is because many companies deploy on redhat/centos servers which use RPM's and so forth.
We are using debian to deploy our debian packages which we prepare on our Ubuntu development machines.
I guess it is to limit the number of duplicated technologies in the company.
Peter Tillemans
2010-05-29 09:06:45
Fedora is popular with commercial developers because it's (effectively) a free version of RHEL (Red Had Enterprise Linux) and that is commonly used in corporate servers and desktops... only free.
It makes a lot of sense to use the same platform to develop on as you deploy to.
Just as I have Ubuntu servers and I also use it as my desktop.
2010-05-29 09:08:30