



I made a swf that interacts with other site on the internet (which has a crossdomainfile for me).
in the main.mxml there is a definition of webservice (mx:WebService)(which is not in my domain).
Therefore when loading the swf, there is a first call to crossdomainfile.xml.
I put this swf on my server so that my clients can get it.
When i connect to my server to download the swf, i expect to be asked if i want to allow the swf
connect to foreign webservice domain. But i am not being asked.
Do i always need to define exception in Global Security Settings panel?
I don't want my client do define special things..
Is there a best practice for that? Why when i surfing the net other swf can do this?
I read about the FlashPlayerTrust, can i define there a website i trust my swf will connect to?
anyone knows?


You ask a bunch of questions, I'll try to explain the best I can.

The loading of the crossdomain.xml file will occur when you access the WebService located on the remote domain; not when the swf containing the WebService call is loaded.

If a crossdomain.xml file is not there; the error is returned to the Flash Player. If you create a handler for that error, you can surpress that error from the user. IF no handler exists, I believe a run time error is displayed--but I haven't tested that.

If you want to be asked whether the swf can access the foreign domain or not; I'm pretty sure you'll have to write that code yourself.

I've never had to deal with Global Security Settings or FlashPlayerTrust in situations where I need to access a remote service.

In my case, I get the crossDomain.xml from the foreign server, but fot some unknown reason, webservice request are not even sent from my computer to the remote server. But, when i am running from flash builder, everything works fine(i.e. the request are sent). strange... can't help here. crossDomain.xml contains getting from all domains(*) port=80,443(there is no nosecurity=false parameter). Therefore i am running my tomcat with secure connection - https://localhost:8443/myDir/main.html. I manage to get the crossDomainFile from Any further request for webservice (which is successful when running Flash builder) is not even sent. really weird!


the solution is to add headers permission to the crossdomainfile: allow-http-request-headers-from

detailed info is in
