



Possible Duplicate:
Looping in a spiral

Given a grid of any height and width, write an algorithm to traverse it in a spiral. (Starting at the top left and ending in the middle) without passing over previously visited nodes. Without using nested loops.

+2  A: 
  1. Set xmin = 0, xmax = grid.width - 1, ymin = 0, and ymax = grid.height - 1. These are the traversal limits.
  2. Set dy = 0 and dx = 1. This is the traversal direction.
  3. Set x = 0 and y = 0. This is your cursor.

While xmin <= xmax and ymin <= ymax:

  1. Visit the node at (x, y).
  2. If dx == 1 and x == xmax, set dx = 0, dy = 1, and ymin = y + 1.
  3. If dy == 1 and y == ymax, set dx = -1, dy = 0, and xmax = x - 1.
  4. If dx == -1 and x == xmin, set dx = 0, dy = -1, and ymax = y - 1.
  5. If dy == -1 and y == ymin, set dx = 1, dy = 0, and xmin = x + 1.
  6. Set x = x + dx and y = y + dy.

I have no idea what that algorithm is called; it just seemed apparent from the description. Nested loops would be a much more optimal solution; all those if statements will push the limits of an optimizer.

Mike DeSimone
this isn't giving me the correct stuff

it should be done using one for loop and starting from bottom left, I'am in that coarse
