



We have a GWT application that needs to display various holidays. Is there a library available to do these calendrical calculations? If not, we'll have to do our own that we can ingest a set of rules to.


+1  A: 

An alternative approach might be to grap some calendars off the web, such as those at

this site.

I have no connection with the site, and am not making any recommendation about the quality or comprehensivity of their calendars.

Oh, and you have Googled for calendrical calculations haven't you ? To find the source ...

High Performance Mark
Google? What is this Google you speak of :-P I did a brief search for GWT specific (since GWT can't use Java's Calendar class and only uses Date) but didn't come up with anything. I should look for the calcs directly though.
Kyle Hayes
I took a look at that site and doesn't really provide what we need.
Kyle Hayes

There is the GWT port of Joda Time called Goda. Maybe this will help you?


A: has a few methods that could be useful.

JP already mentioned Goda time. I haven't used Goda, but Joda time is generally a great API. Additionally, there are a few other libraries:

Chris Lercher
BTW, I'd really like to find out myself, which of the libraries has the most promising future:
Chris Lercher