



hi all , i am a 4th year student at software engineering department , at my faculty we study software engineering basics (unified process , uml , design patterns ) , so :

what about these techniques ? do i need to learn another (or new such as agile) ?

what about programming languages (frameworks) ? what i need to learn ? why ?


+5  A: 

Almost every night I am reading a technical book of some sort and/or working on a hobby project. This career path requires constant improvement. It's easy to get left behind. You really should be a curious, inquisitive person who likes to learn to be a professional software developer IMO.

For a more specific recommendation, I highly recommend learning and really groking a functional language: Scheme, Haskell, F#, whatever. Functional constructs are all the rage right now and they keep leaking into mainstream languages (look at C#). And with good reason, it's great stuff.

Matt Greer

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