



I am planning to develop for WP7 and Android.

What is the better way to display (and traverse) 3D scene/models in term of LoD? The data is planned to be island-wide (Singapore).

1) Real-Time Dynamic Level of Detail Terrain Rendering
2) Discrete LoD
3) Others?

And please advice some considerations/algorithms/resources/source codes. something like LoD book also Okay.

Side note: I am a beginner in this area but pretty well-versed in C/C++. And I haven't read the LoD book.

Related posts:
- Distant 3D object rendering [games]
- Chris Pruett's 3D benchmark for Android


Hi, you may want to watch Chris Pruett's talk about writing real-time games for Android at Google I/O 2010 (he's talking about LOD).

yes, I have watched that and last year's video. This year he talked about why apps/games should use LoD and or MipMapping rather than talking about how to do it and what algorithms to use
+2  A: 

With modern hardware you should not be doing ad-hoc geometry fiddling for (C)LoD as is done in ROAM. Instead you should chunk the terrain up in blocks (organized in a quadtree or similar setup) and push it to the device in nice hardware-friendly batches.

See Thatcher Ulrich's excellent writings on the subject.

+1  A: 

As Ranieri already said best bet would be Thatcher Urlich's Chunked LOD. If you have a bit more memory you can also try CDLOD (full C++ source code available).
