I hoping someone may be able to point me in the right direction for this...
Basically Im writing an asp.net web control to dynamically display a set of data based on field data stored in the database.
I want the control to create a dynamic asp table from a set of data from the database, however I cant get my head round the query needed to order the data into a list that I can create a htmltable from (if that makes sense)
my data looks like this, where I have a field name, the order the corresponding control will be rended in, and the number of columns that control takes up in the asp table:
Id | FieldName | ColumnSpan | Order ...
1 | UserName | 1 | 1
2 | FirstName | 1 | 3
3 | LastName | 1 | 4
4 | Email Address | 2 | 2
5 | DOB | 1 | 5
6 | Notes | 2 | 7
7 | Password | 1 | 6
8 | UserID | 1 | 0
I have made a couple of attempts at creating a stored procedure that accepts an integer representing the number of columns the table will have, with no real progress. I would like the query to return something like the following (if the input parameter was 2 (columns)) - where the fields are grouped into logical rows
row | FieldName | Order
1 | UserId | 0
1 | UserName | 1
2 | Email Address | 2
3 | FirstName | 3
3 | LastName | 4
4 | DOB | 5
4 | Password | 6
5 | Notes | 7
If these ramblings make any sense to anyone, I would appreciate any guidance....
Cheers kmoo01