You can add another CTE to determine the count of employees and then use that in an Update statement:
WITH OrgChart (employeeID, employeeName,managerID,level)
AS (
SELECT employeeID,employeeName,0 as managerID,0 AS Level
FROM Employees
SELECT Employees.employeeID,Employees.employeeName,Employees.managerID,Level + 1
FROM Employees
ON Employees.managerID = OrgChart.employeeID
, SubordinateCount As
Select ManagerId, Count(*) As Total
From OrgChart
Group By ManagerId
Update Employees
Set TotalOrganization = SubordinateCount.Total
FROM SubordinateCount
Join Employees As E
On E.employeeId = SubordinateCount.ManagerId
The change in spec is that you want a count of all subordinate employees. The trick to that is to create a path of the employee to each of their managers. So, first here is my test data:
Insert Employees(EmployeeId, Name, ManagerId) Values(1, 'Alice', Null)
Insert Employees(EmployeeId, Name, ManagerId) Values(2, 'Bob', 1)
Insert Employees(EmployeeId, Name, ManagerId) Values(3, 'Charlie', 1)
Insert Employees(EmployeeId, Name, ManagerId) Values(4, 'Dan', 3)
Insert Employees(EmployeeId, Name, ManagerId) Values(5, 'Ellen', 3)
Insert Employees(EmployeeId, Name, ManagerId) Values(6, 'Fred', 5)
Insert Employees(EmployeeId, Name, ManagerId) Values(7, 'Gale', 6)
Insert Employees(EmployeeId, Name, ManagerId) Values(8, 'Harry', 6)
So, first we write a query that gives us a path to their manager:
OrgChart As
Select E.EmployeeId, E.Name, Null As ManagerId, 0 AS Level
, Cast( '/' + Cast(E.EmployeeId As varchar(10)) + '/' As varchar(100) ) As Path
From dbo.Employees As E
Where E.ManagerId Is Null
Union All
Select E.EmployeeID, E.Name, E.ManagerID, Level + 1
, Cast( OrgChart.Path + Cast(E.EmployeeId As varchar(10)) + '/' As varchar(100))
From dbo.Employees As E
Join OrgChart
On OrgChart.EmployeeId = E.ManagerID
Select *
From OrgChart
That produces:
EmployeeId Name ManagerId Level Path
1 Alice NULL 0 /1/
2 Bob 1 1 /1/2/
3 Charlie 1 1 /1/3/
4 Dan 3 2 /1/3/4/
5 Ellen 3 2 /1/3/5/
6 Fred 5 3 /1/3/5/6/
7 Gale 6 4 /1/3/5/6/7/
8 Harry 6 4 /1/3/5/6/8/
Now we simply need to count instances where the given employee exists in someone's path:
OrgChart As
Select E.EmployeeId, E.Name, Null As ManagerId, 0 AS Level
, Cast( '/' + Cast(E.EmployeeId As varchar(10)) + '/' As varchar(100) ) As Path
From dbo.Employees As E
Where E.ManagerId Is Null
Union All
Select E.EmployeeID, E.Name, E.ManagerID, Level + 1
, Cast( OrgChart.Path + Cast(E.EmployeeId As varchar(10)) + '/' As varchar(100))
From dbo.Employees As E
Join OrgChart
On OrgChart.EmployeeId = E.ManagerID
, OrgCounts As
Select O.EmployeeId, O.Name, O.ManagerId, O.Level, O.Path
, (Select Count(*)
From OrgChart As O1
Where O1.Path Like '%/' + Cast(E.EmployeeId As varchar(10)) + '/%') - 1 As SubordinateTotal
From Employees As E
Join OrgChart As O
On O.EmployeeId = E.EmployeeId
Select O.EmployeeId, O.Name, O.ManagerId, O.Level, O.Path, O.SubordinateTotal
From OrgCounts
I subtract one from the total to exclude the current employee. Now that we've found a query to provide the proper results, we can easily use that to do an update:
OrgChart As
Select E.EmployeeId, E.Name, Null As ManagerId, 0 AS Level
, Cast( '/' + Cast(E.EmployeeId As varchar(10)) + '/' As varchar(100) ) As Path
From dbo.Employees As E
Where E.ManagerId Is Null
Union All
Select E.EmployeeID, E.Name, E.ManagerID, Level + 1
, Cast( OrgChart.Path + Cast(E.EmployeeId As varchar(10)) + '/' As varchar(100))
From dbo.Employees As E
Join OrgChart
On OrgChart.EmployeeId = E.ManagerID
, OrgCounts As
Select O.EmployeeId, O.Name, O.ManagerId, O.Level, O.Path
, (Select Count(*)
From OrgChart As O1
Where O1.Path Like '%/' + Cast(E.EmployeeId As varchar(10)) + '/%') - 1 As SubordinateTotal
From Employees As E
Join OrgChart As O
On O.EmployeeId = E.EmployeeId
Update Employees
Set TotalOrganization = O.SubordinateTotal
From OrgCounts As O
Join dbo.Employees As E
On E.EmployeeId = O.EmployeeId