
Where can I find .NET Framework class diagram?

I just need a file (picture, pdf or other type file for printing) of the framework structure. It is very usefull while learning .Net framework. ...

OrgCharts - Did you write something custom or use shrink-wrapped tool?

I'm just wondering what other developers have done in this area. What does your organization do to get a hierarchical view of your reporting structure? Did you write something custom or use shrink-wrapped tool? How have you integrated that with other internal tools? ...

What's the best method to separate nested discussions over multiple pages - for web application?

I am designing a threaded message display for a PHP/MySQL application - like comments on Slashdot or Youtube - and am wondering how I should go about ordering the comments and separating it into pages so that you can have, say, 20 comments to a page but still have them nested. Comments in my app can be nested unlimited levels, and this ...

Transitioning between subviews in a navigationController?

Hello, In my app I have a drill-down type interface as follows: My root view, which has a list of items and an "Add" button. Selecting an item pushes the "Detail" view on the navigationController. Selecting the "Add" button pushes an "Add" view. How would I transition between the Add view to the Detail view? I'm thinking of doing an u...

Retrieving a Type's leaf interfaces

The System.Type class provides a GetInterfaces() method that "gets all the interfaces implemented or inherited by the current Type". The problem is that "The GetInterfaces method does not return interfaces in a particular order, such as alphabetical or declaration order. Your code must not depend on the order in which interfaces are ret...

Nested join on same table (tree structure)

My date is organized in tree structure. The following applies (Oracle SQL syntax): CREATE TABLE TREE ( NAME VARCHAR2(20), ID NUMBER(10, 0), PARENT NUMBER(10, 0) ) ; INSERT INTO "TREE" (NAME, ID) VALUES ('a', '1'); INSERT INTO "TREE" (NAME, ID, PARENT) VALUES ('a.1', '2', '1'); INSERT INTO "TREE" (NAME, ID, PARENT) VALUES ('a.2',...

TreeView using Hierarchical Data Templates binding to different collections

I'm using a TreeView with a Hierarchical Data Template to bind to a View Model hierarchy, my problem is i have multiple child collections of different types (same base class though). Seems relatively simple to use the template to bind one of the collections but i'm struggling to work out how to do both. class ParentViewModel { List<...

I need to sort the facets that come back from SOLR by relevancy

I have within my SOLR index song objects which belong to a higher level album object. An example is shown below: <song> <album title>Blood Sugar Sex Magic</album title> <song title>Under the Bridge</song title> <description>A sad song about junkies</description> </song> What I can do at the moment is create a facet on the album title ...

Updating records with their subordinates via CTE or subquery

Let's say I have a table with the following columns: Employees Table employeeID int employeeName varchar(50) managerID int totalOrganization int managerID is referential to employeeID. totalOrganization is currently 0 for all records. I'd like to update totalOrganization on each row to the total number of employees under them. So ...

RDBMS strategies for storing heirarchical lists? querying/outputting them?

I'd like to store a fair bit of text data with the following structure: 1. Overall Text A 1.1 Subsection Text 1.1.1 Clarification A 1.1.2 Clarification B 1.2 Another Subsection 1.2.1 Don't forget A 1.2.2 Don't forget B 1.2.3 or C! 2. Overall Text B 2.1 getting the idea yet? Section levels would...

trying to call an interface function throughout an abstract heirarchy of an object instance

Hi, I have recently been implementing a templating system for my home-grown web-site generator platform. What I'm currently trying to implement is the use of an interface throughout the template class heirarchy like so (this is just an example): interface IStyleSheet { public function StyleSheetFragment(); } abstract class Templa...

iPhone SDK difference between isKindOfClass and isMemberOfClass

Can any one tell me what the difference is between the isKindOfClass:(Class)aClass and the isMemberOfClass:(Class)aClass functions? I know it is something small like, one is global while the other is an exact class match but I need someone to specify which is which please. ...

jQuery to get next match in the DOM after a particular element

I hate to admit it but I'm stuck trying to figure out how to do this. e.g. pretending you have the following structure: <div> ... <div> <ul> <li> <a href="..."><img class="foo"/></a><!-- "previous" --> </li> <li> <a href="..."><img class="bar"/></a> </li> <li> <a href="...">...

Display heirarchical data C#

I am relatively new to programming so be gentle... I am trying to develop a page to display student/class results by subject/teacher. Some classes have groups which contain students and some have only students. A subject is thought by one or more teachers. This may change in the future and I want to keep the design as flexible as pos...

Why does jQuery not work like CSS in terms of inheritance?

This should be so simple: $("a").hover(function () { $(this).stop().animate({color: "#00cc00"}, 'fast'); }, function () { $(this).stop().animate({color: "#939393"}, 'fast'); }); $(".footer_link").find("a").hover(function () { $(this).stop().animate({color: "#333"}, 'fast'); }, function () { $(this).stop().animate({color...